ROOT Data Analysis Framework Overview
ROOT Tutorials
In general, my lesson plan was as follows:
- Show you how to run PROOF (emphasizing the code needed)
- TChain files together
- Make template header, code, and PROOF starting files for specific .root data files
- Troubleshooting PROOF run errors (whether it's your code or the cluster's errors)
- Basic analysis code
- Explain online & offline triggers
- Analysis cut (lots to discuss)
- Ways to display data (and interpret it)
- Calculating invariant mass, delta phi, etc.
- Calculating Accidental Scaling Factor
- Tag weighting (accidental subtraction)
- Two calculations for Sideband Subtraction
- Fitting histograms
- Cross section (differential and total)
- Provide sample code and tricks
- Setup an array (using a for loop or with direct input, depending on the occasion)
- Reorder things from high to low mass (how to deal with multiple combinations at once)
- TLorentzVectors
- Create new .root files
- Create marcos to print, make GIF's, fit data, etc.
- TGraphs & TSplines
- Final Summary
- Walk you through my analysis for determining the Eta meson cross section
- Big picture stuff that puts everything all together and hopefully makes it all make sense
Lesson #1
Lesson #2
Lesson #3
Lesson #4
Lesson #5
Additional Resource Files
This file can be uploaded in to a personal annex directory on gluey and manipulated with ROOT to plot the TH1D's and TH2D's contained within.
If inside the folder containing the .root file, use the command:
root -l TwoG_jul_16_2021Analysis.root
If you know the path to the file then use:
root -l
TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("/nfs/direct/annex/mcintyre/AnalysisXII/TwoG/inv_mass/TwoG_jul_16_2021Analysis.root")
root -l /nfs/direct/annex/mcintyre/AnalysisXII/TwoG/inv_mass/TwoG_jul_16_2021Analysis.root
These files are the three files needed to run a PROOF session. These files, written in C++, contain basic clean-up cuts for Radphi data analysis as discussed during the tutorial videos. Running a PROOF session on files such as these are how the .root file (listed above) was created.
- C++ code used to TChain data files and setup PROOF service.
- Header file used to perform data analysis.
- TSelector used to perform data analysis.
A GitHub page containing ROOT training material and tutorials given to CERN Summer Students. There is a link to the ROOT introductory course part of the CERN Training Catalogue.
- Images of histograms contained within the TTree of TwoG_jul_16_2021Analysis.root. These are three examples of the type of histograms you can produce using the ROOT framework.